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The project "Investigations by Sound measurements at Landings at Arlanda" aims to measure airborne noise around Arlanda's approach routes to investigate whether different meteorological conditions and aircraft operational handling can reduce noise when landing.

Photo of acoustic measurement station. Measurement height is 1.2 m.

Long-term measurements at several measurement sites are carried out to obtain a comprehensive picture of the sound levels around Arlanda and how these depend on airstrips, meteorology and sound propagation. The measurement results are analyzed together with other projects within the Center for Sustainable Aviation. This analysis is done to investigate the possible relationship between landing operations, meteorological conditions and sound. The measurements to focus on distances to Arlanda's runways that correspond to affected areas for noise from landing operations such as Upplands Väsby and Rosersberg.

The project thus links directly to the Center for Sustainable Aviation's core areas, air traffic management and airfields, sound distribution and measures in the surroundings. In addition to the sound measurements and their analysis, the project plans to conduct recordings of landing sounds to use in listening tests. This examines the extent to which it is possible to reduce unpleasant parts of landing noise over Upplands Väsby and Rosersberg, thereby giving the opportunity to reduce the disturbance for nearby residents at Arlanda's approach routes in addition to providing a basis for reducing noise levels at landings.

Passby noise measurement of an Airbus A320 approaching for landing. Figure shows noise levels from three measurement stations positioned directly under the glide path and spaced 2 km apart. Measurement position for the center station is 12 km from the runway threshold.

Project members