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Nexus dialogue of the Souss-Massa basin in Morocco

Published Jun 27, 2019

9 - 10 of April, 2019

The Souss-Massa basin in Morocco is the main agricultural area responsible for the majority of Moroccan exports. In the context of the FAO-SIDA project  “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) countries”, the first Nexus Dialogue workshop took place in Agadir, Morocco, on the 9 - 10th of April. Assistant Professor  and PhD Candidate , from KTH-dESA, together with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) , co-facilitated the working group discussions in the workshop. The main goal of this nexus dialogue was to solicit input from groups of key actors – experts, resource managers, policy-makers, and stakeholders – involved in the governance of the resources in question. This contribution will guide the definition of the scope of analysis of the 2-year project, towards integrated solutions for sustainable planning in the Souss-Massa basin in Morocco.