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Climate resilience of Uganda’s Power sector- a new peer-reviewed book chapter using the CLEWs method

Published May 06, 2019

A KTH-dESA PhD student publication

A new book chapter authored by KTH-dESA PhD student Vignesh Sridharan explores the resilience of Uganda’s power sector to climatic changes. The chapter—co-authored by  (KTH),  (KTH), Constantinos Taliotis (The Cyprus Institute), Paul Basudde (UG-MEMD), and Isaac V. Kinhonhi (UG-ERA)—sheds some light on the implementation of minimum environmental flow conditions on major Ugandan Rivers and their impact on hydropower generation. A water balance model developed in WEAP is used to inform an electricity sector expansion model developed in OSeMOSYS, to analyse the impact of climatic changes and the implementation of flow regulations on the cost of electricity generation. The figure above illustrates the methodology of the model development. The study concludes that irrespective of the climate, if key environmental services have to be maintained, there will be a reduction in hydropower generation in the country, and proper adaptation measures need to be taken to avoid disruptions in power supply. The chapter can be accessed here .