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The role of renewable gases (ReNewGas) in the decarbonization of energy systems in the EU

This thesis aims to investigate the role of renewable gases as a vector for low-carbon transformation in energy systems in the EU, focusing on biomethane, power to gas/ hydrogen.


ReNewGAs - Renewable gases  (biogas, biomethane, green hydrogen) have received increased attention in reducing reliance on natural gas/fossil fuels, diversifying energy sources, and promoting the green transition. The adoption of ReNewGas in the existing natural gas infrastructure is of interest for security of enegy supply and reducing greenhouse gas emissions which might bring a lot of challenges for systems configuration and adaptation.

Task description

In this project, the student investigates the role of ReNewGas as a vector for low-carbon transformation in energy systems in the EU, with a focus on biomethane, power to gas/ hydrogen. The main objective of this study is to explore the ReNewGas production system from the different feedstock (esp. agricultural and forest residues) and electricity (solar/wind) and evaluate its role in the decarbonization of the energy systems (esp. natural gas) in the EU.

Tentative tasks for this project are:

  • to provide the state-of-the-art in supply chains and utilization of ReNewGas.
  • to evaluate the ReNewGas production potentials and develop scenarios by 2050 – also, its role in net-zero and/or 100% renewable energy?
  • to map/identify different policy instruments for promoting ReNewGas
  • to visualize the spatial distribution of the ReNewGas potential and find the optimal size/capacity of the ReNewGas plants using a geospatial optimization tool 

For implementing the project, you will collect data from the EU-stat and national statistics and estimate ReNewGas production potentials. A suitable modeling tool can be used to project the ReNewGas in different scenarios.

Criteria for evaluation

Critical criteria in the complete work and method development and metric for the final assessment are:

  • Fulfilment of the ILOs for Master Thesis at KTH's ITM School;
  • The student's initiative and independence in developing the overall research design;
  • A critical and system perspective and critical discussion of the assumptions and results;
  • Consideration of the literature.
  • The ability to communicate the results of scientific work clearly and coherently.

If the work is of good quality and the student and project partners are interested, the research project will be designed to be suitable for a peer-reviewed publication in a high-quality journal.


The analysis to be undertaken is interdisciplinary in nature, and requires some knowledge of energy conversion technologies, energy planning/policy and economics, Students should have an undergraduate degree in chemistry, biology, engineering, economics, or similar fields. Prior knowledge of the GIS; Basic knowledge in energy modelling; Experiences in Python/MatLab will be an asset.

Specialization track

Transformation of Energy System (TES)


Division of Energy Systems  – Department of Energy Technology

Research areas:


6 months, starting January/February 2023. The student may choose to work individually or in pairs.

How to apply

Send an email expressing your interest on the topic to the suppervisor.


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