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Upcoming: the 4th OSeMOSYS Steering Committee meeting

Published Jun 27, 2019

Trieste, 19th of June, 2019

The 4th annual meeting of the OSeMOSYS Steering Committee will take place in Trieste (Italy) on Wednesday the 19th of June. This year the meeting will be held again in parallel to the Summer School on Modelling Tools for Sustainable Development - OpTIMUS  that is currently taking place at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) , and that will last until the end of the month. This year the discussions will focus on establishing a new structure to make the OSeMOSYS GitHub repository operative and accessible to everyone in the Community. In addition, the latest development of the code will be presented and a concrete attempt to allocate upcoming tasks within the Steering Committee members will be introduced, so as to support a more open and collaborative effort to enhance the tool. The meeting will be led by Prof. Will Usher , together with Dr. Abhishek Shivakumar , Dr.  and Prof.  from .