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Policy Dialogue on Strategic Bioenergy in Indonesia and Sweden

Photo: Speakers of Policy Dialogue on Strategic Bioenergy in Indonesia and Sweden, Jakarta 11 March 2020.
Published Apr 09, 2020

Together with policy makers and private sectors, KTH researchers explore how synergies and policies can be designed to promote a sustainable deployment of bioenergy in Indonesia.

The policy dialogue was held in Jakarta in March 11th 2020, organized by Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Indonesia Embassy in Stockholm , Swedish Energy Agency  and KTH. The overall aim of the policy dialogue is to contribute to the efforts of streamlining science-based policy practice for bioenergy development in Indonesia. In particular, policy adjustments to advance the sustainability agenda can be discussed aligning global and national goals. The dialogue also supported the definition of future research activities to support government efforts to build a circularity in bioenergy development. This event marks the series of activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic relations of Indonesia and Sweden. 

The event was opened by the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mahendra Siregar. He highlighted the importance of bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Sweden to promote sustainable bioenergy development. Fumi Harahap  and Prof. Semida Silveira  from KTH presented the output of program INSISTS (Indonesian-Swedish Initiative for Sustainable Energy Solutions)  funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and in collaboration with National Energy Agency of Indonesia, Stockholm Environment Institute and Gadjah Mada University. Fumi had the opportunity to present the results of her PhD research which will be defended in April in Stockholm. Other Indonesia and Swedish research institutions that participated in the policy dialogue are SEI , , CIFOR , and ITB .