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Integrated hydrological-OSeMOSYS energy model

Published Aug 16, 2017

Developed in collaboration with ETH, Zurich

A recently conducted study on the water-energy nexus in the Omo river basin (Ethiopia) was presented at KTH on June 16th. The work was developed by KTH-dESA researcher  under the scope of her MSc thesis in collaboration with ETH, Zurich . An OSeMOSYS  model was set up for the energy system of Ethiopia, with national data extracted from KTH-dESA's The Electricity Model Base for Africa (TEMBA) . Subsequently a methodology was developed to couple the energy systems model with Topkapi-ETH, a physically based rain-fall runoff model, that models the hydrological aspects of a river and considers, among other things, water abstraction for irrigation and diversions to reservoirs for hydropower.

The full study can be found here .