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  • In memoriam Arne Johnson

    Published Oct 30, 2023

    Arne Johnson, professor emeritus in nuclear physics at the Department of Physics, KTH, passed away on October 23, 2023 at the age of 79, after a brief period of illness.

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  • KTH Quantum Technology Hub unlocks the potential for collaboration in the quantum field

    Published Oct 27, 2023

    Quantum technology is a field that promises to revolutionize the way we process information, develop powerful computing systems and secure communication channels. The Quantum Technology Hub (QTH) at K...

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  • Swedish Research Council grants support for research infrastructures of national interest

    Published Oct 25, 2023

    The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) has recently announced its decision to provide significant funding for research infrastructures of national interest. Among others, the National Microsco...

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  • “Your Friendly Nuclear Physicist” demystifies nuclear science

    Elina Charatsidou in a lab
    Elina Charatsidou, Photo: Victor Ajayi
    Published Oct 20, 2023

    What does it take to be an effective science communicator and why is it vital for researchers to participate in public outreach? Elina Charatsidou, a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Physics, beli...

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  • Anna Delin, Director of WISE Graduate School - Nurturing Sustainability in Materials Science

    Portrait of Anna Delin
    Published Oct 20, 2023

    In the dynamic landscape of materials science, sustainability has emerged as a critical issue for the 21st century. Professor Anna Delin, director of WISE Graduate School, takes on these challenges di...

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  • KTH Railway Group – developing a competitive and sustainable railway system

    Published Sep 26, 2023

    SCI is the home school of KTH Railway group, a competence center that gathers several research groups in various rail-related areas. It is a unique organization, able to carry out major research progr...

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  • Rising enthusiasm for nuclear engineering at KTH - exploring the driving factors

    group of students
    Students of the Masters Programme in Nuclear Energy Engineering, Photo: Jan Dufek
    Published Sep 26, 2023

    Interest in studying nuclear engineering at KTH has historically been strong, but in recent years there has been a surge of enthusiasm for the subject. Jan Dufek, Programme Director for the MSc in Nuc...

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  • ACTIVA develops new optical technologies for a good vision throughout life

    Published Aug 31, 2023

    The School of Engineering Sciences at KTH will be the home of ACTIVA, a newly launched Doctoral Network, with the goal to provide an international, interdisciplinary platform to train young scientists...

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  • Mathematics researcher receives sizeable grant

    Published Jul 13, 2023
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  • Romain Rumple gets ‘Supervisor of the Year’ Award

     Left to right: Fredrik Lundell, head of Engineering Mechanics, Mohammad Abuasbeh, chairperson of TH
    Left to right: Fredrik Lundell, head of Engineering Mechanics, Mohammad Abuasbeh, chairperson of THS PhD chapter, Romain Rumpler, winner of the award, Susanne Boij, head of the Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory (MWL), Sahba Zojaji, chairperson of the Supervisor of the year award jury
    Published Jun 21, 2023

    This year’s ‘Supervisor of the Year’ award goes to Romain Rumpler, associate professor at SCI. This is the third year the Ph.D. Chapter at THS has awarded the prize. Congratulations!

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  • Tiny quantum electronic vortexes in superconductors can circulate in ways not seen before

    Tornado shaped illustrated figures show direction of flow with arrows
    A new study by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stanford University revises of our understanding of quantum vortices in superconductors. Pictured, an artist’s depiction of quantum vortices. (Illustration: Greg Stewart, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
    Published Jun 01, 2023

    Within superconductors little tornadoes of electrons, known as quantum vortices, can occur which have important implications in superconducting applications such as quantum sensors. Now a new kind of ...

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  • The underwater robots ready to take on society’s challenges

    The SMaRC project addresses three central issues: ocean production, environmental sensing and safeguarding society
    Published May 29, 2023

    SMaRC (Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre), an initiative that numbers KTH among its many collaborators, unveils the potential of autonomous underwater robots to solve several of today’s societal challe...

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  • KTH and Alstom in joint effort for a sustainable European railway system

    Train in snow landscape.
    KTH and Alstom are collaborating to develop train traffic in Europe as part of the EU's commitment to sustainable transport. (Photo: Alstom / KBD Bilder AB)
    Published Jan 16, 2023

    The EU is focusing heavily on sustainable travel. With Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), the vision is to introduce a high-capacity, highly reliable integrated European railway system in orde...

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  • “Nuclear power is now being taken seriously as a sustainable energy option”

    Janne Wallenius outside in front of a building
    “I am honoured to receive KTH Innovation Award, an award to encourage creativity, grit and courage in the mission of making science and technology useful for humanity. One of the lessons from developing the SMR technology is to never give up,” says Professor of Nuclear Engineering Janne Wallenius, who has been researching design and safety analysis of lead-cooled reactor systems since 1996.
    Published Sep 02, 2022

    Public resistance to nuclear power was strong when Professor Janne Wallenius began developing the technology for small, lead-cooled nuclear reactors. But times have changed, and ten years down the lin...

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  • Boats that fly like the wind

    A test model of a recreational boat is performed by a person in a marine environment.
    Ivan Stenius gooses the throttle to bring the Foilcart test boat up to a speed of ten knots so that it can hydroplane, commencing ‘take-off’.
    Published Jun 08, 2022

    Silent zero-emission vessels that swiftly float past the cobs and skerries – is this the future of coastal and open-water boating? We paid a visit to the KTH Värmdö field station, where researchers ar...

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  • Interview with Ulf Ringertz about CERO project and more

    Published Mar 23, 2022

    We talked with professor Ulf Ringertz about the CERO project and his contribution in it, as well as his interesting work with NASA in aeroelasticity.

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  • Four KTH projects win big EU grants

    robot hand, wingtip, cannula and cells.
    1) Four research projects from KTH have been awarded ERC Consolidator Grants. Photos in the collage: upper left image: National Cancer Institute, upper right image: Raghavendra V. Konkathi, lower left image: Paul Vincent, lower right image: This is Engineering. All photos from Unsplash.
    Published Mar 22, 2022

    The recently published European Research Council list of European researchers who will receive 2021 ERC Consolidator Grants, contained the names of 313 researchers who will each be awarded a grant. Fo...

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  • Method offers sharper images of lung disease in living mice

    3D dimensional color representation of shape of mouse's lungs, encase in ribcage
    A 3D image of the test mouse's lungs, created with the new technique developed at KTH.
    Published Mar 09, 2022

    In a first for X-ray imaging, researchers in Sweden generated high resolution, three-dimensional images of the lungs of free-breathing mice, without using mechanical ventilation. The technique develop...

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  • News from MedTechLabs – a multidisciplinary research centre hosted at SCI

    Published Feb 26, 2022

    Sweden has long been a pioneer in innovative medical technology solutions for the healthcare sector. Swedish innovations such as the pacemaker, the Gamma Knife, the ultrasound and the Seldinger techni...

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  • SEK 99 million to small lead-cooled nuclear reactors

    Pär Olsson in lab
    “We are performing all the research that is needed before the construction of a lead-cooled nuclear reactor. The aim is to build an electrically heated pilot plant that can be used to prove the viability of an actual reactor,” says Professor Pär Olsson at KTH.
    Published Feb 21, 2022

    Researchers and industry in Sweden are working closely together to realise fourth generation lead-cooled nuclear power plants. Testing and preparatory work is in progress at KTH ahead of production of...

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