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Study visit to the Nordic Rail railway fair

Published Oct 24, 2019

The 8th of October KTH Railway Group invited some students from the Railway Engineering programme and the Rail Signalling course to the bi-annual fair Nordic Rail in Jönköping. The main objective was to get the students familiar with the different companies that are active in the Nordic countries and, to an extent, search for Master Thesis opportunities within these companies.

The 1st year Program Students highly appreciated the visit. According to Yari de Graaf, “I thought the fair was really interesting and it was nice to be able to already start talking with companies about possibilities for master theses.” Danielle Mario Fraschini said that “The best part of the activity is to get in contact with many and different companies and listening to the opportunities in their own area and their expectations from a railway student”, and Bente de Leew thought that “it was nice that we got a lot of freedom walking around at the fair, because this way everyone could look for themselves and see what was interesting for them.”

The relationship between program students outside the learning environment was also a positive aspect of the study visit. According to Bente, “It was very nice to see my fellow classmates in a different environment as usual.” Yari also had positive opinions, as “it was a good way to get to know everyone a little better”.

As a practical comment, some students would have liked a better planning beforehand so that the time in the fair could be optimised more, as it was a one day visit. But all in all, the overall experience was definitely positive and is something we look forward to do in upcoming years.

Some of the KTH Railway Engineering Program Students after the day visit to the Nordic Rail in Jönköping
Page responsible:Oskar Fröidh
Belongs to: KTH Railway Group
Last changed: Oct 24, 2019