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More space technology at KTH

SMOS - Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite
Published Mar 24, 2022

Space technology is literally speeding ahead in the world and it is important for Swedish schools to keep up with developments. KTH wants to support teachers in keeping up with developments and can demonstrate practical space technology, how it works, and how environmentally friendly it really is. This autumn, KTH is launching two new courses for teachers in primary and secondary schools. They will be conducted online to enable teachers from all over the country to participate.


Sweden has always been a prominent technology country whose inventions have given the world much, both for everyday people and for industry, but knowledge of this is fading. It is important to spread knowledge of how Sweden contributes to developments in space technology, semiconductor technology, programming, etc., subjects that are the foundations of the new modern technological society.

Read more about the courses we are doing on the Swedish page here

Feel the energy! Tactile learning about everyday energy use
Computational Thinking and Mathematical Problem Solving, an Analytics Based Learning Environment
CHEPIS - Strengthening African higher education research and expertise
Academic Profession in Knowledge-based Society (APIKS)
Towards the Responsible University
BADGE - Becoming a Digital Global Engineer
Unite! A European engineering campus
Research school ROCIT
ATS - Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM
K-ULF – Compensatory teaching for learning and research
TeaEdu4CT project - Computational thinking
Teaching physics - with incentive to be different
Unpacking emerging hybrid arrangements in Nordic higher education
More space technology at KTH
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