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  • KTH Professor speaker at UN COP26 side event - Earth observations to build climate resilient cities

    Published Nov 03, 2021

    Yifang Ban was one of the speakers at yesterday's UN COP26 side event about Earth Observations to build sustainable and climate resilient cities. The event brought together governments, the private se...

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  • Economics researcher: Invest more in the climate

    Electric car connected to a charging post along a city street.
    The expansion of charging points is a key part of the transition to electric vehicles. (PHOTO: GAMMA-MAN/Mostphotos)
    Published Nov 03, 2021

    Larger investments in the climate even if it means less money for other things now, but that can easily profit future generations. This is an important step along the way to meet Sweden’s climate goal...

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  • New docent among the foremost in social life-cycle assessment

    Foto: Maruf Rahman / Pixabay
    Published Oct 27, 2021

    After fifteen years as a consultant in sustainability and an academic plunge in social sustainability, it’s easy to see that Elisabeth Ekener, new Docent at the Department of Sustainable Development, ...

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  • Senseable Stockholm research delivers results for safety, transport and segregation

    A man and two women in a discussion.
    Carlo Ratti, MIT, Sigbritt Karlsson, KTH and Anna König Jerlmyr, City of Stockholm debate city development and the joint Senseable Stockholm Lab in City Hall.
    Published Oct 22, 2021

    In the space of just over two years, collaboration within the Senseable Stockholm Lab has delivered a number of research results that over time, can benefit both Stockholmers and their city. “Our col...

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  • Changing norms around housing and everyday life can lead to more sustainable lives

    Foto: Unsplash
    Published Oct 20, 2021

    The climate debate has long had a tendency to individualize responsibility and place great focus on technological development - and painted this as the saviour for the planet. Pernilla Hagbert researc...

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  • Sverker Sörlin is awarded IVA's Great Gold Medal

    Sverker Sörlin. Photo: Karin Tengby
    Published Oct 20, 2021

    Sverker Sörlin, Professor in Environmental History at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, has been awarded the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' (IVA) Great Go...

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  • Reference networks in the air promotes the pursuit of millimeter precision

    Measurement with inclinometer at GNSS station MOSE (roof of Södra Teatern,Stockholm). The sensor,manufactured by Senceive,is equipped with a thermometer and three inclinometers that measure inclination along three axes. The sensor's measurements are sent wirelessly to the server in a selected time interval. By analyzing time series one can assess the stability of GNSS antenna. (Photo: Private)
    Published Oct 12, 2021

    The Reference Network in the Air, or Stomnät i Luften 2.0 in Swedish, is a research and innovation project with the overall goal of preparing the Swedish Transport Administration's (Trafikverket) cons...

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  • In Sweden to map out architectural history

    Bertil Melin, Swedish director of the Nordic Tanganyika Project in Kibaha, showing a model of low-cost housing to President Julius Nyerere, c.1963-64. To the far left, Mr. Dennis, the carpenter who made the models, co-designed the housing project, and “test-lived“ in the first constructed house with his family. (From Torvald Åkesson, ‘Education - In Marble Halls or Under Trees. Low-Cost Houses in East Africa, Especially Ethiopia and Tanzania’,compiled self-published report, c.1965, Stockholm)
    Published Oct 07, 2021

    White spots on the architectural historical map. That is what made Sebastiaan Loosen leave Belgium and KU Leuven, where he had gotten two first-cycle qualifications and a doctoral degree, to come to S...

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  • Reducing the spread of airborne infection diseases by using new ventilation systems in hospitals

    Parastoo Sadeghian showing a digital way of looking at airborne particles in operating rooms.
    Parastoo Sadeghian showing a digital way of looking at airborne particles in operating rooms. (Photo: VISBAC)
    Published Sep 28, 2021

    Just in Sweden, based on numbers from The National Board of Health and Welfare, more than 1500 patients die every year due to surgical site infections caused by bacteria-carrying particles, while the ...

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  • Urban water imaginaries in exhibition - co-creative dialogues between science, art, and engineering

    In the exhibition Symbiosis at Färgfabriken "Källan" is a meeting place where you can listen to a sound installation, watch art with AR (Augmented Reality) and sit down on a bench by a digital pond that projects water in various forms. This is where the dialogue about water in cities begins. Artist Åsa Cederqvist work The Source (film installation,15:30), and The Essence (prototype AR work) (Photo: Johan Österholm/Färgfabriken)
    Published Sep 21, 2021

    The exhibition Symbiosis at Färgfabriken is a place for dialogue and an ongoing experiment created together with artists, researchers, designers and architects to explore new ways of thinking about ou...

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  • Symbiosis - multifaceted exhibition in collaboration with KTH research

    Foto/Photo: John Jakobsson
    Published Aug 26, 2021

    Researchers Mattias Höjer, Timos Karpouzoglou , Katarina Larsen and David Nilsson have collaborated with artists from Färgfabriken and developed elements in the upcoming exhibition Symbiosis.The exhib...

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  • His tools can optimize our future transport systems

    Two maps of Sweden that show that Gordian's solution generates 80% less infrastructure investment
    Illustration: Gordian
    Published Jun 24, 2021

    An old observation is that nothing is more difficult to predict than the future. But based on existing trends, it is safe to assume that electrification, digitalization and automation will have a majo...

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  • David Nilsson new board member at WaterAid Sweden

    Published Jun 23, 2021

    David Nilsson, associate professor and centre director of WaterCentre @ KTH, has been appointed board member of WaterAid Sweden's board. David Nilsson has worked with water issues and global sustainab...

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  • Learning sustainability by doing - Collaborative, active and reflexive learning

    Foto: Kaleidico / Unsplash
    Published Jun 16, 2021

    Kateryna Pereverza and Oleksii Pasichnyi are researchers and teachers at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED). With a strong interest in teaching, co...

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  • Both technology and ethics are needed in the smart city

    Illustration: Undraw
    Published Jun 03, 2021

    Barbro Fröding’s current research project is about identifying and dealing with the ethical issues that may arise when new technology and people meet, specifically residents in a city. How do you go a...

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  • KTH to establish Trimble Technology Lab for architecture, engineering, and construction

    Kjartan Gudmundsson, Deputy Director of First and Second Cycle Education, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH and Tove Lindblad, usiness Development Manager at Trimble and Account Manager för Trimble Technology Lab at KTH
    Published Jun 03, 2021

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) has received a gift from Trimble to establish a state-of-the-art Technology Lab for architecture, engineering and construction (AEC). The lab will expand the un...

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  • Collaboration with the City of Stockholm and three-dimensional properties

    Extension of 3D RRRs (Bild: Prof Stefan Seipel)
    Published May 27, 2021

    Jenny Paulsson is an Associate Professor in Real Estate Planning and Land Law the Department of Real Estate and Construction Management. Much of her work is about real estate, not least three-dimensio...

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  • Fossil-free steelmaking – large scale storage of hydrogen in rock caverns

    llustration: Davi R. Damasceno (Published in Investigation of research needs regarding the storage of hydrogen gas in lined rock caverns: Prestudy for Work Package 2.3 in HYBRIT Research Program 1)
    Published May 19, 2021

    The HYBRIT joint venture aims to implement the first fossil-free steel making process in Sweden. The new technology can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 10 percent. Davi R. Damasceno is a...

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  • Redesign in focus for a sustainable cultural heritage

    Scan of the Rotunda Stockholm City Library - Student work, Re-master 2019-2020, KTH
    Published May 11, 2021

    Thordis Arrhenius is a newly promoted professor at KTH Architecture with a strong interest in contemporary architecture and urban planning. In her research and teaching, she has committed herself to h...

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  • What makes us decide to change our travel behavior, to opt for innovation and a sustainable future?

    Dana Tentis / Pexels
    Published Apr 29, 2021

    Associate Professor Fariya Sharmeen specialises in travel behavior, social networks, and urban regeneration. She has studied the behavioral traits and policy responses to sustainable mobility transiti...

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