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RSA Best Book Award 2018 to Tigran Haas and Hans Westlund

Published Oct 30, 2018

The Regional Studies Association has awarded Tigran Haas and Hans Westlund the Routledge Best Book Award 2018 for their recent book "In the Post-urban World: Emergent Transformation of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy".

The book is aimed at both academic researchers interested in regional development, economic geography and urban studies, as well as practitioners and policy makers in urban development.

The Regional Studies Association (RSA) is a global forum for city and regional research, developement and policy. They recognise excellence in the field of regional studies at their annual awards ceremony.

Regional Studies Association: Routledge Best Book Award 2018

Belongs to: School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
Last changed: Oct 30, 2018