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FORMAS funds new project on disruptive wastewater and heat recovery!

Published Oct 18, 2018

Recently FORMAS decided to award close to 9 million SEK to the project "Ensuring sustainability and equality of water and energy systems during actor-driven disruptive innovation". The project is coordinated by WaterCentre@KTH and involves researchers from several KTH departments, to cover wide areas such as energy technology, systems analysis, history, innovation and socio-technical change.

Why is this project important?
Improved energy efficiency in buildings contribute to global and national goals for environment and climate.
Recovery of heat from wastewater is a promising technology but may become disruptive for the city-wide systems for water and heat if customers gradually withdraw from the large networks. The aim of this project is to assess the system effect of on-property heat and water installations, including possible negative consequences such as social injustice or sub-optimisation of energy management.

Case studies in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Värmdö will be used, where different on-property solutions are already being tested. The project is carried out with participation from a dozen of private and municipal actors including Stockholm Water and Waste company, Stockholm Exergi AB, Einar Mattson AB, Akademiska hus, among others.

For further questions contact David Nilsson, Director of the WaterCentre@KTH and project leader,

Belongs to: WaterCentre@KTH
Last changed: Oct 18, 2018