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Digital urban form models for a strengthened urban planning practice

New research project - Formas & Smart Built Environment

Published Sep 26, 2024

The project Digital urban form models for a strengthened urban planning practice​​​​​​​ has been granted funding from Formas and Smart Built Environment, Strategic Innovation Programme. The project includes research groups from KTH Architecture and Chalmers University of Technology together with six municipalities that are at the forefront of further developing their work with digital urban form analyses. The participating municipalities are Eskilstuna, Gothenburg, Norrköping, Stockholm, Uppsala and Östersund.

The purpose of the project is to consolidate and accelerate previously fruitful cooperation and to spread it to other municipalities. The project concerns:

  • to develop, through collaboration, new working methods that take advantage of the knowledge development that digitization has contributed to and shape a robust and recognized professional level in planning and urban planning practice,
  • to contribute to a close collaboration between research and practice in order to contribute to the latest knowledge being applied in practice and for research to learn from the experiences of practice.

More information

Project title: Digital urban form models for a strengthened urban planning practice: resource-efficient, sustainable, and equal community building

Fund manager: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Project duration: 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2027