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Travelling to PDC

PDC is normally open for visitors from 09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday, except on public holidays and during the Christmas-New Year vacation period.
If you want to visit PDC in person, it is a good idea to make an appointment first to be sure that an appropriate person will be available to meet you when you arrive.

Where is PDC

Teknikringen 14, fourth floor
114 28 Stockholm

PDC is located on the main KTH campus, which is very close to the central bus, train and metro/underground stations in Stockholm. If you are travelling to PDC from Arlanda airport, you can either travel directly to PDC via taxi, or use public transport to get to central Stockholm and then to PDC.

Getting to PDC by taxi

Ask the taxi to take you to “KTH Teknikringen 14“.

If you are travelling from Arlanda airport, the journey to PDC by taxi can take 35 minutes (or more, depending on traffic). Due to the distance, the cost is expensive compared to using public transport. If you search on the internet in advance, it is possible to find fares that are similar to the cost of the Arlanda Express train. If you do take a taxi, it is best to ask for a fixed price.

The Visit Stockholm taxi information page  gives information on choosing taxis in the Stockholm region.

Getting to PDC by public transport

From Arlanda airport to central Stockholm

There are several ways to get to the central Stockholm from Arlanda airport.

  • Airport buses/Flygbussarna (cheapest): These buses leave the Arlanda airport terminals about every 20 minutes throughout the day and less frequently at night, and take about 40-50 minutes to get to the Cityterminalen bus station in central Stockholm. Tickets can be bought in advance through the Flygbussarna website  or app or else from ticket machines or shops at the airport.
  • Airport express train/Arlanda Express (fastest): These trains run every 10-15 minutes for most of the day and take 18 minutes to arrive at the Stockholm Central train station. Tickets can be bought in advance via the Arlanda Express website  or app or else from ticket machines on the platform.

It is then a very short walk from the Cityterminalen bus station or the Stockholm Central train station to the T-Centralen metro/underground station in central Stockholm.

From central Stockholm to “Tekniska högskolan“ metro station

It is only a few stops from the T-Centralen metro/underground train station to the “Tekniska högskolan“ underground station near PDC.

To travel on the metro/underground train system, you need a ticket for the Stockholm public transport system (SL). Information about the different ways to buy tickets is available on the Fares & tickets page  of the SL website.

From “Tekniska högskolan“ metro station to PDC

You can see the route from Teknisk högskolan metro station to PDC on Google maps  or on the small map below. Here is a description of the route.

  1. Go to the exit of the Tekniska högskolan metro station that is labelled “KTH”.
  2. From the KTH exit, walk uphill on the road labelled as Drottning Kristinas Väg on the map for about a hundred metres. (See the dotted line on Google maps  or the solid coloured line on the map below.)
  3. When that road bends left (where it meets Lindstedtsvägen), cross over the road and continue straight ahead on Osquars Backe. Keep going up the hill past the glass-fronted KTH library on the left (marked as KTHB on the map) until you come to a small open area with some trees. PDC is in the brick building on the left on the far side of the open area.
  4. After entering the building, it is a good idea to call the person you are going to meet - there is a courtesy phone in the entrance level. If you want to use the lift, you need to have the person come down and meet you in the entry level, otherwise, you can take the stairs to the level labelled “Plan 4”, where the person will need to meet you to let you in the entrance door for PDC (as the door is kept locked for security reasons).
Map of route to walk from Tekniska högskolan metro station to PDC

Other travel information

General information about Stockholm:  Stockholm Visitors Board

To locate a particular room at PDC or KTH:  classroom search engine