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How to reach the climate targets through coordinated energy and spatial planning

"Så når vi klimatmålen genom samordnad energi- och fysisk planering"

Published Sep 27, 2016

Workshop held in the Dome of Vision at KTH on the 27th of September 2016

A workshop was held in the Dome of Vision at KTH on the 27th of September 2016. The main topic of the workshop was to discuss the value as well as barriers and opportunities of an increased coordination between energy planning and spatial planning. Many actors involved in the energy planning process were represented in the workshop; such as spatial planners and energy strategists from both the municipal and regional level, representatives from a municipal energy company and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. 

The workshop is part of the research project " Strengthening the strategic municipal energy planning ", led by the  and funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.