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KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory

Applying humanities and social science methods and theories to questions of environment, nature and climate and their representations in society and culture.

EHL News

The workshop explored the causal drivers of the anthropocene by rethinking histories of energy

Researchers exploring new histories of energy and extractivism in the Anthropocene

An international group of researchers gathered in Stockholm near Lake Brunnsviken for generative discussions in a two-day intensive workshop, co-organised by the new Centre of Excellence for Anthropoc...

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Sverker Sörlin

Citizens' Assembly on Climate presents its results

Sweden's first Citizens' Assembly on Climate, initiated by Fairtrans, a multidisciplinary research programme funded by Mistra, has completed its work. Sverker Sörlin, Professor of Environmental Histor...

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KTH Library

EHL Professor Represented when Nature Revealed Research Papers that Policy Documents Cite Most

In April, the journal Nature presented an exclusive analysis, that shows that economics and interdisciplinary teams get the most attention of policymakers. Professor of environmental history, Sverker ...

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Latest Publications

H. Berggren, M. Hagerman and S. Sörlin, "Låt filmaren Jan Lindqvist fullborda "Tiden är en dröm", skriver tre historiker," Dagens Nyheter, vol. 15 March, 2024.
A. Ekström, B. Westerberg and S. Sörlin, "Pinsam politisk tävling i hårda tag mot flyktingar," Dagens Nyheter, vol. March, no. 10, 2024.
S. Höhler and C. Kehrt, "Sog des Neuen : Narrationen der Technikgeschichte," Technikgeschichte, vol. 91, no. 1, pp. 3-10, 2024.
E. Perez Vico et al., "Valorizing the Humanities," in Making Universities Matter: Collaboration, Engagement, Impact, Pauline Mattsson, Eugenia Perez Vico & Linus Salö Ed., Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 211-232.

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Visiting Address:

KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory
Teknikringen 74D, level 5
SE-114 28 Stockholm