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Call for submissions

We invite contributions for research papers, practitioner papers, posters as well as workshops. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

The following paper categories are welcome: Research, practitioner, and poster paper submissions will be handled through EasyChair.

All papers will be reviewed through a double blind review process so, please, upload your papers without any reference to the authors. Accepted research papers, as other contributions will be published in the conference proceedings. We will publish papers in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, an open-access proceedings journal for scientific conferences and workshops. ceur-ws.org/ .

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines: www.springer.com/de/it-informatik/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines  and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers.

We will also invite some selected papers to submit their manuscripts to a special issue on Nordic LA research of the International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI), www.online-journals.org/index.php/i-jai  to be published in 2021-2022.

Research papers

No matter the length, research papers are expected to be mature research contributions to the field of learning analytics. The length should be appropriate for the contribution the paper makes. Papers will be reviewed according to the relevance of the research to the field, novelty and contribution to the field, and appropriateness of research methodology.

Rules for papers:

  • A regular paper has at least 10 "standard" pages (1 standard page = 2500 characters) and an appropriate number of references. 
  • A short paper is still a paper with references but has between 5-9 "standard" pages. 
  • A poster paper is a paper with a title, author and a very short text, i.e. less than 5 "standard" pages. Such papers are not regarded as citable contributions and should be handled like an abstract. Poster papers that are containing novel results (and are not summarizing results already published elsewhere) may be an exception. It depends on the substance of the content of the paper.

Practitioner papers

Papers in the practitioner category follow the same page limits as the research papers. In addition, practitioner papers should include:

  • descriptions of a real-world problem or a practical use case to cover the motivation of the paper
  • description of applied solution to present the technology and its usage
  • rationale for applying the solution
  • lessons learned from applying the solution 
    • Outcomes/impact: How was the success of the project measured? What were positive or negative issues such as validation of the expected impact, practical constraints and enablers, user adoption, cost benefit analysis, generalisability? Did other unexpected or surprising results occur?
    • Benefit: How can the benefit be translated into something tangible from which others can learn?
    • Open challenges: Which issues do require further attention or actions?


Posters report on significant work in progress. We are planning a poster session in which you can present your work and elicit feedback from Nordic LASI participants. Please submit a paper up to a maximum of 4 pages long including references describing your work and the results that you plan to achieve. Preliminary results or work in progress fit very well in the poster paper category.

​Accepted papers will be published in the Nordic LASI 2021 proceedings (CEUR).


Please, submit workshop proposals (1 page) directly to Olga Viberg (oviberg@kth.se) no later than June 15, 2021.

Submission deadline 5 June 2021 (all categories):

Research papers (5-10 pages)

Practitioner papers (5-10 pages)

Poster (maximum 5 pages)

Workshop (1 pages)


The submission Web page for Nordic LASI2021 is

  • The paper submission deadlines are extended to 5 June 2021, in order to support authors to still produce their best work, despite the additional challenges that many of us are facing at the moment.

  • All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

We hope you find the above clarifications helpful, and we appreciate your understanding as we continue to monitor the situation carefully.

LASI-Nordic draws together the Nordic Learning Analytics community to learn from experts, to share research and experience, and to investigate if there is a Nordic approach to learning analytics. Over the course of two days, there will be keynote talks, hands-on workshops, tutorials, panels, and a firehose & poster/demo session in which to participate. First and foremost, however, LASI-Nordic 2021 will be a chance for participants to share, discuss, and shape, how the Nordic countries use/want to use Learning Analytics to improve learning and teaching. Furthermore, the aim is to facilitate collaboration and sharing of knowledge on Learning Analytics within the Nordic community, and to determine if there is interest in developing a Nordic Special Interest Group (SIG) on Learning Analytics. The event is run in cooperation with Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR).


To be presented on August 2 2021.


Coming up soon.

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