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Divisions' news

  • Emil Thorén defends the PhD thesis

    Published Oct 12, 2020

    On Friday Emil Thorén defended his PhD thesis "Modelling of macroscopic melt motion in fusion devices". Congratulations!

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  • New docent Lorenz Roth

    Published May 27, 2020

    Congratulations Lorenz Roth, new Docent at EECS, Space and Plasma Physics!

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  • KTH student team selected to fly their experiment on a rocket

    B2D2 team at ESTEC
    Published Dec 14, 2019

    A team of KTH students was selected to participate in the 13th cycle of the REXUS/BEXUS programme.

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  • Successful SPP Summer Course

    Published Aug 26, 2019

    A new summer block course with the title “Exploring the Physics of Planetary Environments” was held at the Space and Plasma Physics division of KTH between August 13 and 22, 2019. 25 students from 14 ...

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  • SEAM nanosatellite delivered for launch

    Published May 21, 2019
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  • PhD student vacancy

    Published May 06, 2019
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  • Prof. Ratynskaia and Dr. Tolias receive VR funding to model dust and droplets in ITER

    Published Nov 13, 2015

    The three-year project led by Prof. S. Ratynskaia and Dr. P. Tolias aims to achieve predictive modelling of metallic dust and droplets in the international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER).

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  • A study of CubeSat piggyback mission to an asteroid initiated

    Published Nov 03, 2015

    ESA has approved five concept studies for CubeSats to piggyback on ESA's asteroid mission.

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  • New Swedish research satellite approved for funding!

    Published Oct 28, 2014

    Funding for the Mats satellite has been approved by Swedish National Space Board

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  • Professor Brenning's HiPIMS paper selected as Journal of Physics D highlight

    Published Jun 27, 2014

    Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics, has selected a paper by N. Brenning et al. as a highlight for 2013.

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  • Invigning av KTH rymdcenter med Christer Fuglesang

    Published May 25, 2014

    Fredag den 23 maj invigdes KTH Rymdcenter officiellt av rektorn. I samband med det ordnades intressanta och spännande öppna föreläsningar inför en fullsatt föreläsningssal.

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  • Komet-jägaren Rosetta vaknar till liv

    Published Jan 20, 2014

    Ett av de mest ambitiösa interplanetära satellitprojekten drivna av det europeiska rymdorganet ESA närmar sig efter 10 års resa kometen Churymov-Gerasimenko.

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  • MUSCAT experiment launched successfully from Esrange

    Published May 31, 2013

    REXUS experiment developed by a student team from KTH and SU, MUSCAT (MUltiple Spheres for Characterisation of Atmospheric Temperature), was launched successfully from Esrange on May 9, 2013. Dr. N. I...

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  • Professor Göran Marklund erhåller EGU’s Hannes Alfvén Medalj 2013

    Published May 15, 2013
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  • MUSCAT, 4th REXUS student rocket project selected for flight

    Published Dec 20, 2011

    ESA has selected the student rocket proposal MUSCAT (MUltiple Spheres for Characterisation of Atmospheric Temperature) for flight in 2013. This is the fourth consecutive year that KTH EES gets select...

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  • Space and Plasma Physics hosts 2012 SRS meeting

    Published Dec 20, 2011

    The 2012 meeting of SRS (Svenska Rymdforskares Samarbetsgrupp) will be held at KTH, 13-14 March.

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  • KTH hosts 39th EPS jointly with 16th ICPP

    Published Oct 11, 2011
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  • Student rocket project

    Students from the LAPlander project in the lab.
    Students from the LAPlander project in the lab.
    Published Jul 26, 2010

    The sound of the rotors rises to a roar as the helicopter lifts towards the sky. On board are Christian Westlund and Joakim Sandström, who are studying vehicle engineering and electrical engineering, ...

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  • Students to fly rocket probe from Kiruna in 2010

    Prototype of the rocket probe’s inflatable structures which protect it during descent.
    Prototype of the rocket probe’s inflatable structures which protect it during descent.
    Published Feb 16, 2009

    Six students from the Department of Space and Plasma Physics have been selected by ESA’s REXUS programme to fly a rocket probe from Kiruna. Now they must undertake a year’s training in space quality, ...

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  • Rymdsondflygning från Kiruna?

    Outer space
    Published Jan 21, 2009

    Sex studenter från Rymd- och Plasmafysik kan få flyga sondraket från Kiruna 2010. De har nämligen gått vidare till sista urvalsrundan i ESA:s årliga REXUS-program.

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