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Regenerative fuel cell systems for space applications: a model based system engineering study.

Masters Thesis Presentation by L. Littre

Time: Thu 2021-06-17 10.15 - 11.00


Participating: Luc Littre

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In this paper, a state of the art on RFCS for space application was performed. Starting with the different RFCS technologies, following with hydrogen storage solution and the various balance of plant components with a focus on water and thermal management as these subsystems differ quite largely from conventional ground application. After the RFCS was introduced, a Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) study was performed using Capella software. The model obtained provides the general functions a RFCS should be able to perform. This model and the state of the art allowed to conclude what such a system has to achieve in order to operate properly. This paper hence presents an overview of the complexity and the performances that can be expected from a RFCS.  

Page responsible:Web editors at EECS
Belongs to: Space and Plasma Physics
Last changed: Jun 15, 2021