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  Last name First name Title Phone
Profile image for Marzie Abdolhamdi Marzie Doctoral student
Profile image for Saeedeh Akbari Saeedeh Postdoc
Profile image for Måns Andersson Måns Doctoral student
Profile image for Daniel Araújo de Medeiros Daniel Doctoral student
Profile image for Lars Arvestad Lars Associate professor +46 8 524 814 28
Profile image for Erik Aurell Erik Professor +46 8 790 69 84
Profile image for Gisele Barboni Miranda Gisele Researcher
Profile image for Filip Berendt Filip Research engineer
Profile image for Ashish Bhole Ashish Postdoc
Profile image for Archishman Biswas Archishman Doctoral student
Profile image for Anton Bölenius Anton Amanuens
Profile image for Federica Bragone Federica Doctoral student
Profile image for Satarupa Chakrabarti Satarupa Postdoktor
Profile image for Kiran Chhatre Kiran Doctoral student
Profile image for Nikolaos Chrysanthidis Nikolaos Doctoral student
Profile image for Jörg Conradt Jörg Associate professor +46 8 790 62 31
Profile image for Jonah Ekelund Jonah Doctoral student
Profile image for Olivia Eriksson Olivia Researcher +46 8 790 62 08
Profile image for Erik Fransén Erik Professor
Profile image for Johan Fredin Haslum Johan Doctoral student
Profile image for Renan Guarese Renan Postdoktor
Profile image for Lihao Guo Lihao Doctoral student
Profile image for Jingyu Guo Jingyu Doctoral student
Profile image for Weikang Guo Weikang Postdoktor
Profile image for Jeanette Hällgren Kotaleski Jeanette Professor +46 8 790 69 03
Profile image for Yifei He Yifei Doctoral student
Profile image for Pratibha Raghupati Hegde Pratibha Raghupati Postdoc
Profile image for Pascal Helson Pascal Postdoc
Profile image for Pawel Herman Pawel Associate professor +46 8 790 65 13
Profile image for Johannes Hjorth Johannes Researcher +46 8 790 69 00
Profile image for Johan Hoffman Johan Prof., deputy head of division +46 8 790 77 83
Profile image for Anders Holst Anders Adjunct professor
Profile image for Dena Hussain Dena Lecturer +46 8 790 78 51
Profile image for Alessandro Iop Alessandro Doctoral student
Profile image for Johan Jansson Johan Associate professor +46 8 790 64 17
Profile image for Zahra Khodadadi Zahra Doctoral student
Profile image for Dylan Kierans Dylan Research engineer
Profile image for Emir Konuk Emir Doctoral student
Profile image for Dimitrios Korakovounis Dimitrios Doctoral student
Profile image for Alexander Kozlov Alexander Researcher +46 8 790 83 65
Profile image for Joel Kronborg Joel Doctoral student
Profile image for Arvind Kumar Arvind Associate professor +46 8 790 62 24
Profile image for Semih Kurt Semih Doctoral student
Profile image for Oskar Kviman Oskar Doctoral student
Profile image for Jens Lagergren Jens Professor +46 8 790 64 38
Profile image for Anders Lansner Anders Affilated professor, professor +46 8 790 62 10
Profile image for Tony Lindeberg Tony Professor +46 8 790 62 05
Profile image for Jiahui Liu Jiahui Doctoral student
Profile image for Shiting Long Shiting Doctoral student
Profile image for Stefano Markidis Stefano Professor +46 8 790 78 96
Profile image for Ingemar Markström Ingemar Research engineer
Profile image for Christos Matsoukas Christos Doctoral student
Profile image for Harald Melin Harald Doctoral student
Profile image for Ricky Molén Ricky Doctoral student
Profile image for Joana Palés I Huix Joana Doctoral student
Profile image for Angeliki Papadimitriou Angeliki Research engineer
Profile image for Bo Peng Bo Associate professor
Profile image for Andrzej Miroslaw Perzanowski Andrzej Miroslaw Doctoral student
Profile image for Christopher Peters Christopher Professor
Profile image for Marko Petrovic Marko Administrator
Profile image for Dirk Pleiter Dirk Professor +46 8 790 78 35
Profile image for Naresh Balaji Ravichandran Naresh Balaji Doctoral student +46 72 842 19 28
Profile image for Martin Rehn Martin Researcher
Profile image for Mario Romero Vega Mario Associate professor
Profile image for Gabin Schieffer Gabin Doctoral student
Profile image for Ruimin Shi Ruimin Doktorand
Profile image for Kevin Smith Kevin Associate professor +46 8 790 64 37
Profile image for Mohammad Moein Sorkhei Mohammad Moein Doctoral student
Profile image for Abhishek Srinivasan Abhishek Doctoral student
Profile image for Wilhelm Thunberg Wilhelm Doctoral student
Profile image for Björn Thuresson Björn Project manager vic
Profile image for Hosein Toosi Hosein Research engineer
Profile image for Gonzalo Uribarri Gonzalo Postdoc
Profile image for Lennart Alexander Van der Goten Lennart Alexander Doctoral student
Profile image for Jacob Wahlgren Jacob Doctoral student
Profile image for Tino Weinkauf Tino Professor, head of division +46 8 790 60 75
Profile image for Robert Welch Robert Doktorand
Profile image for Hauke Ole Wernecke Hauke Ole Doktorand
Profile image for Jeremy Johnathan Williams Jeremy Johnathan Doctoral student