[in reverse chronological order]
- Code is at https://github.com/FAJITA-Packet-Processing-Framework/FAJITA
- Experiments are at https://github.com/FAJITA-Packet-Processing-Framework/FAJITA-experiments
NetConfEval [CoNEXT 2024]
- Code repository: https://github.com/NetConfEval/NetConfEval
- Datasets on Hugging Face: https://huggingface.co/datasets/NetConfEval/NetConfEval
GPU-centric Networking [EdgeSys 2024]
- The code is on GitHub with GNU GPL v3 license at https://github.com/rdma-from-gpu
- This is also archived on Zenodo with proper DOI:
https://zenodo.org/records/13332456 – https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13332456
FlowMage [EuroMLSys ’24]
- Link to the paper: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3642970.3655836
- Github repository: https://github.com/hamidgh09/FlowMage
Switcharoo [CoNEXT 2023]
- Main repository: https://github.com/orgs/Switcharoo-P4/repositories
- Archived code: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10184685
Ribosome [NSDI 2023]
- Main repository: https://github.com/orgs/Ribosome-Packet-Processor/repositories
IOTLB Wall [PeerJ CS 2023]
- Archived codes:
- Archived raw data: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7727193
- Main repository: https://github.com/aliireza/iommu-bench
- This repository contains a general description of the project and some information to redo some experiments from the article.
- Linux kernel patches:
- This branch contains the changes to use 2-MiB hugepage-backed buffers in the Linux kernel for the mlx5 driver.
- https://github.com/aliireza/linux/tree/luigi-patch-v5.15
- This branch contains the changes to artificially drop TCP packets.
OrderMatters [NSDI ’22]
- Main repository: https://github.com/hamidgh09/Reframer
- The repository contains information to use Reframer and perform some experiments.
- Synthetic trace file:
https://zenodo.org/record/5576176/#.Y-uQzHbMKUk - Source code is merged into Fastclick as an element named SFMaker: https://github.com/tbarbette/fastclick
RedN [NSDI ’22]
- Project homepage is at: https://www.redn.io/, while the repository is hosted at this link: https://github.com/redn-io/RedN/
NIC Bench [PAM’21]
- Experiment scripts: https://github.com/nic-bench/experiments
- Modified FastClick with benchmarking utilities:
https://github.com/nic-bench/fastclicknow reverted into mainline FastClick! - DPDK with support for lazy deletion hashtables : https://github.com/nic-bench/dpdk
Connection tracking [HPSR ’21]
- Code is at https://github.com/conntrackHPSR21/
PacketMill [ASPLOS’21]
- Archived artifact: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4435970
- Main repository: https://github.com/aliireza/packetmill This repository contains information to use PacketMill and perform some sample experiments.
- PacketMill source code (modified FastClick): https://github.com/tbarbette/fastclick/tree/packetmill
- X-Change (modified DPDK): https://github.com/tbarbette/xchange
- Artifact for the ASPLOS paper: https://cknowledge.io/c/lib/40c29d7d6d862734/
Assise [OSDI ’20]
- The Assise artifact can be accessed at: https://github.com/ut-osa/assise. This repository contains Assise’s source code and benchmarking scripts.
CrossRSS [CoNEXT 2020 Poster]
- The experiment repository is at https://github.com/tbarbette/crossrss
For our work on DDIO [ATC’20] we have the following releases:
- ddio-bench [ATC’20] (https://github.com/aliireza/ddio-bench)
Information/source code to perform the experiments/microbenchmarks done in our DDIO paper.
For our work on Path Persistence in the Cloud [CCR’20] we have the following releases
- Our data is publicly available for reproducibility and further analysis at
Cheetah [NSDI ’20]
- the code is at https://github.com/cheetahlb/
RSS++ [CoNEXT ’19]
- the code at https://github.com/rsspp with experiments scripts (experiments), RSS++ code itself (fastclick), the modified Linux
- kernel(linux) and the modified iperf that makes use of the new kernel option (iperf).
Slice-aware LLC and CacheDirector [EuroSys ’19] releases:
- Slice-aware Memory Management: A set of libraries that can be used to measure NUCA characteristics of LLC and exploited to improve the performance of applications.
- CacheDirector: A network I/O solution that extends Data Direct I/O (DDIO), by exploiting slice-aware memory management, and sends each packet’s header directly to the correct slice in the LLC.
Datasets related to our Kurma paper [SOCC ’18]:
- 16 months of latency measurements across EC2 (430GB)
- Synchronised traceroute measurements among 10 EC2 DCs (14 + 4 days)