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Massimo Girondi’s Licentiate Defense

We are happy to announce that Massimo Girondi successfully defended his licentiate thesis (licentiate is a degree at KTH half-way to a PhD)! Marco Chiesa  has done an excellent job as a co-advisor and as is customary we are very grateful to Prof. Gerald Q. Maguire Jr. for his key insights. Giuseppe Siracusano was a superb opponent at the licentiate seminar, with Amir Payberah as the examiner. Massimo’s thesis (second licentiate thesis of this project) is available online:

“Toward Highly-efficient GPU-centric Networking”

A few shots from the celebration are below.

Group shot of Networked Systems Laboratory members (Massimo is beneath the KTH logo). Image taken by Voravit Tanyingyong

Dejan highlighting Massimo’s work (image taken by Marco Spanghero)

Dejan hands the gift to Massimo a few weeks later in the hallway that Massimo chose for the shot. Definitely looks better than the opposite side we used in the past! (image taken by Voravit Tanyingyong)