Both the physical and the psychosocial working environment are crucial in any process of change, however large or small.
The work is intensive at KTH to achieve joint and coordinated support services. Really thinking through risks and opportunities better ensures good results. Worry and a lack of clarity hinder engagement and the ability to look ahead, and also our capacity for change. So, the way I see it, dialogue and cooperation are key words and crucial ingredients at every level of the process – particularly with the central collaboration group and the schools’ equivalents.
The individual employee is the expert in his or her particular area. This makes it especially important to work actively to keep dialogues and discussions alive, and to share our respective everyday realities.
The development process that support services are currently undergoing will not affect everybody equally, or even perhaps at the same time.
This makes it particularly vital to share our thoughts and experiences. As far as I can see, the spirit at KTH is extremely positive, encouraging and helpful.
This bodes well for our ongoing work – working actively in cooperation is the way forward for the development of support services, and indeed for the working environment in general.