After no less than twelve failed* attempts in two years to publish our study on walking seminars, we finally managed to identify a venue for our research: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, which took less than six weeks, including a revision, from submission to publication! In the meantime, this study has caught attention from KTH internally and been used for external promotion. First in KTH Magazine, which lead to a video recording in Swedish and after that got 100.000 views they translated it to English. Apparently someone in Italy understands one of those languages. Now, KTH has published a promotion video to attract Masters students to KTH. In it, KTH gives ten reasons to study at KTH. Guess what reason number 6 is? Personally we think walking with us is a way better argument to study here than first claiming (#5) that “Sustainability is a … guiding star for KTH” and then advertising (#10) for taking a flight out of here.
(*) The journals that did not accept the paper generally believed the paper itself was interesting, but the combination of health and learning was not within the scope of their journal.