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Master thesis defense: “Geo-distributed application deployment assistance based on past routing information”

In April 2017, Marcus Falgert defended his master thesis titled: “Geo-distributed application deployment assistance based on past routing information“. The link to the thesis PDF is available here. Kirill Bogdanov was the academic supervisor for this work, and Dejan Kostic was the examiner.

Recent hires!

We are very happy to announce our recent hirings (as a result of our open calls):

  • Kirill Bogdanov (PhD student at KTH)
  • Akhila Rao (Industrial PhD student at RISE SICS)
  • Georgios Katsikas (Industrial PhD student at RISE SICS)

First meeting with the Industrial Advisory Board

On June 2, 2017 we had our first meeting with the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). Present were:

  • Andreas Höglund, Scania
  • Tor Bjorn Minde, Ericsson and SICS
  • Ignacio Mas, Ericsson

We presented our status, published work, and short- and long-term plans. This meeting was in addition to the three meetings we had at Scania, Ericsson, and Telia during May. The IAB feedback was positive, and we are very excited to start the second official year of the project!

Poster presentations at the SICS Open House on May 17, 2017

At the SICS Open House on May 17, the SICS team presented TCC approaches and solutions in progress: In total three posters were included in the exhibition, covering the general vision of TCC and methods related to prediction models for multi radio access networking and distributed control plane management, essential for high-resilience control and low-latency throughput in future networks. Shown are Akhila Rao and Shaoteng Liu in front of their posters.


Presentation at EuroSys 2017 on reducing tail latency in key-value datastores

At Eurosys 2017 in Belgrade, Waleed presented our work on reducing tail latency in key-value stores by scheduling multiget requests more efficiently. The video of the talk is now available, and so is the PDF of paper. This is joint work with Marco Canini (KAUST), Lalith Suresh (VMware Research), and Sean Braithwaite (SoundCloud).