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Our upcoming SoCC paper “Fast and Accurate Load Balancing for Geo-Distributed Storage Systems”

In our upcoming SoCC 2018 paper, we present Kurma, our fast and accurate load balancer for geo-distributed storage systems. By decoupling end-to-end request completion time into components of base propagation latency, network congestion, and service time distribution, Kurma accurately estimates the rate of SLO violations for requests redirected across geo-distributed datacenters. By operating at the … Continue reading “Our upcoming SoCC paper “Fast and Accurate Load Balancing for Geo-Distributed Storage Systems””

TCC in the News

Our project is featured in the 2018 edition of Framtidens Forskning (in Swedish). The article brings up the importance of time critical services in general, highlights our recent Metron work, and emphasizes the collaborative nature of our work.  

Successfull demo of our testbed at the RISE SICS Open House

We had a successful showing at the RISE SICS Open House, showcasing tight integration within our testbed, including the deployment across the geo-distributed cloud. More details are available at the RISE NI blog. Here is the short video showing the TCC prototype in action at the RISE Open House: