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RISE Network Intelligence Group at the R2B Summit

We are happy to announce that the work of the RISE Network Intelligence Group will be highlighted at the R2B Summit (research to business) organized by Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences) on March 20! It is aimed to annually highlight the 100-top research results with innovation and business potential (the IVA-100 list).

First patent filed in SSF TCC!

In April 2018, we presented a black-box approach for enabling deployment of distributed control planes with reliability and bandwidth guarantees at NOMS 2018. The work described in the paper “Flexible distributed control plane deployment” by Shaoteng Liu, Rebecca Steinert and Dejan Kostic, has now been filed as the first patent of SSF TCC.

Recruitments for 2019

Following two successful PhD defenses, we are now actively recruiting two Doctoral students (licenciate). We are also recruiting postdocs both at RISE and KTH.

Kirill Bogdanov’s PhD Defense

We are very happy to announce the second PhD dissertation in our TCC project! Kirill Bogdanov successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Enabling Fast and Accurate Run-TimeDecisions in Geo-Distributed Systems: Better Achieving Service Level Objectives” on November 26, 2018. His supervisors were Dejan Kostic and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr.

Georgios Katsikas’ PhD Defense

We are very happy to announce the first PhD dissertation in our TCC project. Georgios Katsikas successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “NFV Service Chains at the Speed of the Underlying Commodity Hardware” on September 14, 2018! His supervisors were Dejan Kostic, Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr., and Rebecca Steinert.