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3 Key Considerations to Choose the Right Master’s Programme

Hej everyone! Welcome to this new post. Are you considering pursuing a master’s degree to advance your career or delve deeper into a field of interest? If so, you’re in good company. Choosing the right master’s programme is a critical decision that can shape your future. With KTH offering a staggering 63 master’s programs across … Continue reading “3 Key Considerations to Choose the Right Master’s Programme”

Happy Kanelbullens Dag!

Hej everyone! Welcome to my blog post of the week! In the world of delightful food holidays, few can rival the sheer scrumptiousness of Kanelbullens Dag, which translates to “Cinnamon Bun Day” in English. Observed annually on October 4th in Sweden, this day pays homage to one of the world’s most beloved baked goods—the cinnamon … Continue reading “Happy Kanelbullens Dag!”

From Chai to Fika: My Culture Shock in Sweden

Hey there buddies! If you’ve been following my journey, you might already know that I hail from India. Now, imagine arriving from a city in India, where the population equals that of the entire nation of Sweden! In this post, lets look at top 8 culture shocks that I faced when I moved to Sweden. … Continue reading “From Chai to Fika: My Culture Shock in Sweden”

Attending Finance x Consulting Day: The first of many career events of the year!

Hej everyone! Welcome to this post! Every year, there’s an event that I eagerly anticipate, one that never fails to exceed my expectations and leave me with lasting memories. That event is Finance x Consulting Day, which is organized by the KTH Finance Society, and I’m excited to share my experience from this year’s gathering, … Continue reading “Attending Finance x Consulting Day: The first of many career events of the year!”

Navigating the Path to Internship Success in Sweden: My Journey

We often get questions about internships and how to find them, so I’m here to provide my best tips on how to leverage what’s available at KTH to get your dream internship. Since arriving in Sweden, I have been fortunate to secure three internships in my first year, all related to my field of study, … Continue reading “Navigating the Path to Internship Success in Sweden: My Journey”

Hej! Nice to Meet You (Again)

Hey there! I’m Samantha, and today, I’m absolutely thrilled to introduce myself to all of you on this blog. As a girl who hails from Toronto, Canada, I find myself in the midst of my second year, pursuing a Master’s degree in Sustainable Technology with a specialization in management and economics. Here I am, embarking … Continue reading “Hej! Nice to Meet You (Again)”