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A Getaway in the City Centre

Skeppsholmen is a small island in the centre of Stockholm that feels far from the busy city life. Instead, when you cross the bridge to Skeppsholmen you’ll find beautiful parks, boat yards, museums and art galleries. Not only does this island have some of the best galleries in the city, it also has the best … Continue reading “A Getaway in the City Centre”

Midsommar Celebrations

Last weekend celebrations took place all over Sweden for the annual Midsommar festival. It’s my favourite time of the year. The sun shines all day and night and the whole country feels relaxed and free as everyone takes the weekend off to enjoy the solstice.  The tradition is to go out into the countryside and … Continue reading “Midsommar Celebrations”

The Swedish loppis

As a master’s student in sustainable urban planning and design, I’ve spent a lot of time exploring how cities can enable sustainable living. Measures to achieve this are infinite, spanning sectors and requiring varying degrees of investment and expertise. But there are also many small solutions which are pretty simple. The Swedish loppis is a … Continue reading “The Swedish loppis”

Celebrating Summer in the Archipelago 

Summertime has come at last! The contrast between summer and winter in Sweden always surprises me. From weeks of snow and ice to weeks of sun and heat. There’s no better way to celebrate this weather, and to celebrate the ending of your final year of university, than getting together some friends and taking a … Continue readingCelebrating Summer in the Archipelago 

Celebrating this year’s student ambassadors — and how you can apply to be one

This week marks the end of the 2021-2022 academic year! The exam period and master thesis presentation weeks are wrapping up. For the international student ambassadors, it has also marked the end of their duties for KTH. To celebrate, our supervisors treated the student ambassadors to a farewell dinner evening and a boules tournament.  Did … Continue reading “Celebrating this year’s student ambassadors — and how you can apply to be one”

Five things Swedes do

I’ve loved studying a 2-year master’s programme because I’ve had a lot of time to observe Swedish daily life. If there’s one thing I understand, it’s that there are many norms and unspoken rules in Swedish culture. Nonconformity can be a signal that you aren’t a local — which is totally fine, you don’t need … Continue reading “Five things Swedes do”