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It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Hej everyone! Welcome to this weeks post! Today I’ll be sharing with you my first few Christmas-ey experiences here in Stockholm over the past week! As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisper, Stockholm transforms into a winter wonderland, captivating its residents and visitors alike with the enchanting spirit of Christmas. Just a … Continue reading “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!”

A Short History of KTH Campus and a Glimpse into Campus Today

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a great week, I know I did, as I celebrated the end of my examination period (my last exam ever in my master’s career!!!!) In this post I’ll introduce you to the beautiful campus we call home here at KTH. When you step onto the KTH Campus, … Continue reading “A Short History of KTH Campus and a Glimpse into Campus Today”

Exploring Stockholm: 5 Fascinating Facts About the ‘Venice of the North’

Did you know that the Swedish language wasn’t made the official language of Sweden until 2009? Or that ‘Stockholm’ means ‘log island’ in Swedish? Well, hold on to your hats, because I’ve got more interesting tidbits about Stockholm coming your way! As a student at KTH, you’re not just choosing an academic institution; you’re also … Continue reading “Exploring Stockholm: 5 Fascinating Facts About the ‘Venice of the North’”

24 Hours in the Life of a KTH Student

Hello there! This will be a post about a day in my life as a KTH student, hope this gives you an idea about what to expect as a student. Beneath the Swedish sky so vast,At KTH, time seems to fly so fast.From dawn’s embrace to evening’s tune,Join my day’s dance, from morn to moon. … Continue reading “24 Hours in the Life of a KTH Student”

Happy Kanelbullens Dag!

Hej everyone! Welcome to my blog post of the week! In the world of delightful food holidays, few can rival the sheer scrumptiousness of Kanelbullens Dag, which translates to “Cinnamon Bun Day” in English. Observed annually on October 4th in Sweden, this day pays homage to one of the world’s most beloved baked goods—the cinnamon … Continue reading “Happy Kanelbullens Dag!”

From Chai to Fika: My Culture Shock in Sweden

Hey there buddies! If you’ve been following my journey, you might already know that I hail from India. Now, imagine arriving from a city in India, where the population equals that of the entire nation of Sweden! In this post, lets look at top 8 culture shocks that I faced when I moved to Sweden. … Continue reading “From Chai to Fika: My Culture Shock in Sweden”