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Research trip to Chicago: a conversation with an aerospace student

Hello everyone! Good news: I had a pleasant conversation with a friend of mine – Arnold, who is enrolled in MSc Aerospace Engineering at KTH. Arnold has participated in a two-week research project in Chicago. So, I am gonna tell you all about his exciting experience! Take a seat and grab some snacks. The programme … Continue reading “Research trip to Chicago: a conversation with an aerospace student”

Swedish winter sports – part 1

Hej! Being an international student in Hong Kong, where I do not have the opportunity to try out every winter sport, I have found them particularly mesmerizing since I arrived here. As we are approaching spring in Sweden and before the winter ends, I would like to share with you some beloved winter sports that … Continue reading “Swedish winter sports – part 1”

Back to school – The spring semester begins

Hej everyone! As the new semester has just begun, it would be great to summarize the first week with you as a glimpse of what to expect during the spring semester. Daylight hours The first and foremost noticeable change about the Spring semester is we are getting more daytime here in Stockholm. Since the winter … Continue reading “Back to school – The spring semester begins”

Application documents: do you have everything you need?

Hey there! I would like to start this post by congratulating with you. If you’re reading this, chances are you have taken the leap and submitted your application to KTH – this is already a great achievement, so congrats! The next important step is to upload all the documentation supporting your application before February 1, … Continue reading “Application documents: do you have everything you need?”

Friendly tutoring and lots of fun: what education is like at KTH

Hey guys! I will tell you my personal view about the education at KTH and how Swedish education is shaping my personality. To be more precise, values and views will be described in terms of tutoring at the school of Architecture. This is a signifying part for me, and why I enjoy studying at KTH. … Continue reading “Friendly tutoring and lots of fun: what education is like at KTH”

Swedish culture: what should you know about?

Hej everyone! I will share some thoughts about Swedish culture and a few things you should know before starting your best years in Sweden! Queuing I think the British invented queueing as a phenomenon, but people are also queueing everywhere in Sweden! The Swedish are so patient and polite and will never cut the queue! … Continue reading “Swedish culture: what should you know about?”