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Back to school – The spring semester begins

Hej everyone! As the new semester has just begun, it would be great to summarize the first week with you as a glimpse of what to expect during the spring semester. Daylight hours The first and foremost noticeable change about the Spring semester is we are getting more daytime here in Stockholm. Since the winter … Continue reading “Back to school – The spring semester begins”

Happy new year and new year goals

Gott nytt år – That means happy new year in Swedish! As today is the first day of 2023, I wish you all good having a brilliant year ahead! I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the new year goals I accomplished last year and some that I am targeting … Continue reading “Happy new year and new year goals”

My daily cooking diary at Malvinas Väg

Hi guys! Today, I would like to share a practical and almost daily routine for every KTH student living in student accommodation: cooking! It may depend on each individual, but cooking is undoubtedly a relaxing activity to relieve my stress from the busy schoolwork. On the other hand, it is so satisfying when you are … Continue reading “My daily cooking diary at Malvinas Väg”

The Stockholm Christmas Market is live now!

As we enter December, I am sure many of you are feeling more Christmasy no matter where you are from around the globe, as this is the most important festival to celebrate in the month, if not the entire year! Thanks to the recent snowfalls and colder weather, Stockholm is filled with the white Christmas … Continue reading “The Stockholm Christmas Market is live now!”

Stockholm metro stations hunt

Hi guys! Today is the beginning of a new week, and everyone has to resume work and study. So it is high time to introduce one of the most important things that all Stockholmers need throughout the week: The Stockholm metro (Stockholms tunnelbana in Swedish)!  You might wonder, what’s unique about the metro? It exists … Continue reading “Stockholm metro stations hunt”

Stockholm’s Woods and Waters

I’ve found that most students that come to study at KTH choose the university for its career opportunities, its reputation, its campus facilities, etc.. If you ask students living here what their favourite thing about Stockholm is though, the answer is often “I love how close I am to nature!” It’s definitely one of my … Continue reading “Stockholm’s Woods and Waters”