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Students from around Stockholm and beyond came together last weekend for Northern Europe’s largest annual student event – Squvalp!  Squvalp is a weekend-long rafting event organised by the Quarnevalen team. Every year they put together huge events for students. Some years this takes the form of a carnival through the city, but this year the … Continue reading “Squvalp! “

Post for the ones who didn’t get the SI scholarship

Last week, the Swedish Institute published the successful recipients of the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals. First of all, congrats to all the winners, particularly those who will start their journey at KTH later this year! Your Swedish adventure is about to begin, and this is truly very exciting.  However, I’d like to address … Continue reading “Post for the ones who didn’t get the SI scholarship”

Stockholm Accommodation Tips 

At this time of year, newly admitted students are usually searching for accommodation around Stockholm for August. The application for housing through KTH opens this Sunday, the 1st of May, so check out the KTH Accommodation page to apply or find out more about this. You can also check out some previous blogs to get … Continue reading “Stockholm Accommodation Tips “

Being at KTH during uncertain times

The last months have been challenging for many people, and I was no exception. Since the end of February, my life has drastically changed, and I took some time off blogging to process these changes.  Now I’m back, and in this blog post, I’d like to share my experience of being Russian during these times … Continue reading “Being at KTH during uncertain times”

Preparing for your career after KTH

Whether you’re graduating in June or beginning your studies this August, it’s never too soon to prepare for your career. Although 40% of KTH students have a job before graduation, many students use the months after graduating to apply for jobs. As a KTH student, there are many resources to use and actions you can … Continue reading “Preparing for your career after KTH”

Stockholm’s Woods and Waters

I’ve found that most students that come to study at KTH choose the university for its career opportunities, its reputation, its campus facilities, etc.. If you ask students living here what their favourite thing about Stockholm is though, the answer is often “I love how close I am to nature!” It’s definitely one of my … Continue reading “Stockholm’s Woods and Waters”