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Apply to KTH: how to write an eye-catching CV

Some KTH programmes will require you to upload your curriculum along with your transcripts of records, language certificates and other requested documents. This means that learning to write a good, eye-catching curriculum should be one of your priorities when applying to KTH – and this is something that many, including me, struggled to do. I … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: how to write an eye-catching CV”

The best sitting-out areas on campus 

Hej, it’s Raygo again! As the exam period is almost over, I think it is high time to summarise my observations over the first half of the semester and my personal preferences for the most popular sitting-out area on campus for students at KTH. Maybe you will find one of them as your favourite spot … Continue reading “The best sitting-out areas on campus “

Apply to KTH: FAQ

In today’s post, I will answer some of the most common questions about how to apply to KTH. If you haven’t done it yet, I would suggest you to check Martyna’s post on how to apply to KTH and Raygo’s post on why study at KTH – I’m sure you’ll find the answer to many … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: FAQ”

Happy Friday and weekend plans!

TGIF and finally, it is Friday and the weekend again! Today I would like to share how I usually spend my weekends here in Stockholm. I hope this blog post will give you some insight into your weekend plans! What would be the best Friday activity, in my opinion? It must be hanging out with … Continue reading “Happy Friday and weekend plans!”

A day trip to Uppsala

Uppsala is a cute little city located just North of Stockholm. It is effortless to get there and it’s perfect for a day trip! That’s why last weekend my housemates and I decided to give this ancient city a try. What to see in Uppsala During our day trip, we visited three of the most … Continue reading “A day trip to Uppsala”

Space Waves and a Tale: on exhibit at the main library

These days when passing by the KTH main library, there is an eye-catching booth right next to the main entrance. It is an event related to the Nobel Calling Week series: an exhibition about Hannes Alfvén titled “Space Waves and a Tale“. Born in 1908 in Norrköping, Hannes Alfvén was a Swedish electrical engineer and … Continue reading “Space Waves and a Tale: on exhibit at the main library”