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Perks of education at KTH

Hello everyone, and happy New Year! In today’s post, I want to share with you my four favourite aspects of studying at KTH. I will only focus on education, but don’t forget that studying at KTH also means studying in Sweden – and I’d recommend you to read Martyna’s post on the topic to get … Continue reading “Perks of education at KTH”

Application checklist and considerations

Hi everyone! With less than two weeks until this year’s application deadline, I would like to share with you the checklist I had from last year’s experience and some considerations to make before clicking the “apply now” button. Final checking of all necessary documents on both KTH and You must check if you have … Continue reading “Application checklist and considerations”

Happy new year and new year goals

Gott nytt år – That means happy new year in Swedish! As today is the first day of 2023, I wish you all good having a brilliant year ahead! I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the new year goals I accomplished last year and some that I am targeting … Continue reading “Happy new year and new year goals”

Apply to KTH: FAQ – part two

In today’s post, I will answer some more common questions regarding the application to KTH. We have already talked about how to apply to KTH, and you can also find the first part of these FAQs in this previous blog post. As January 16 is getting really close, let’s start with this second part! Which … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: FAQ – part two”

A day in a KTH lab

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about assessment methods at KTH. Today, I want to show you more in detail one of the most common assignments you can get: laboratory work. Typically, laboratory work at KTH is divided in two phases:⁃ laboratory experiments/measurements;⁃ report writing. In this case, we had to take some measurements … Continue reading “A day in a KTH lab”

My green living style in Stockholm

Hej, it’s Raygo here again! When talking about Sweden, people always think of sustainability and environmental protection as the country has a long history of development in these areas. The former is also one of the key pillars of KTH, where the UN sustainability goals are the priority of our school in almost every aspect. … Continue reading “My green living style in Stockholm”