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Navigating the Path to Internship Success in Sweden: My Journey

We often get questions about internships and how to find them, so I’m here to provide my best tips on how to leverage what’s available at KTH to get your dream internship. Since arriving in Sweden, I have been fortunate to secure three internships in my first year, all related to my field of study, … Continue reading “Navigating the Path to Internship Success in Sweden: My Journey”

2023: a Jubilee Year for Sweden!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Did you know that 2023 is a very special year for Sweden? It is a double jubilee year, marking both the 500th anniversary of Gustav Vasa election – the father of modern Sweden – and current King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 50th jubilee! During the past weekend, big … Continue reading “2023: a Jubilee Year for Sweden!”

Hallå and Namaste!

Hello everyone! I’m your new digital ambassador and I couldn’t be more excited to pen down my very first blog for KTH! This marks the beginning of a thrilling journey, and I’m eagerly looking forward to exchanging ideas and experiences with all of you. Allow me to offer you a sneak peek into who I … Continue reading “Hallå and Namaste!”

Hej! Nice to Meet You (Again)

Hey there! I’m Samantha, and today, I’m absolutely thrilled to introduce myself to all of you on this blog. As a girl who hails from Toronto, Canada, I find myself in the midst of my second year, pursuing a Master’s degree in Sustainable Technology with a specialization in management and economics. Here I am, embarking … Continue reading “Hej! Nice to Meet You (Again)”

Welcome back to the blog!

Hello everybody and welcome back to the blog! It’s a pleasure to write for you again. We bloggers are ready to get back at it after the Summer vacation – and we already have plenty of ideas and new content that is waiting just for you! Nice to meet you (again!) My name is Lorenzo, … Continue reading “Welcome back to the blog!”

The blog is on vacation 🌴

Our blog has taken a vacation and will be back in August. We hope that you are looking forward to a team of new student bloggers who will tell you about life as students at KTH. During the summer you can still follow the adventures of our digital student ambassadors on Instagram. See you in … Continue reading “The blog is on vacation 🌴”