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KTH and Summer Internships: My Experience

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, I want to tell you about my experience with internships and the job market here in Sweden, as well as provide you with some information regarding what KTH can do to help you in the endless journey of finding the perfect job. My Summer internship experience … Continue reading “KTH and Summer Internships: My Experience”

Navigating the Path to Internship Success in Sweden: My Journey

We often get questions about internships and how to find them, so I’m here to provide my best tips on how to leverage what’s available at KTH to get your dream internship. Since arriving in Sweden, I have been fortunate to secure three internships in my first year, all related to my field of study, … Continue reading “Navigating the Path to Internship Success in Sweden: My Journey”

Summer plans for me and the blog!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! I hope you are all doing great. I’m tuning in today for a quick recap of what will happen during the next couple of months, as there are some exciting changes coming up for the blog and Instagram channels of KTH! First off, I want to share … Continue reading “Summer plans for me and the blog!”