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Landing a KTH Scholarship

Hej everyone! Welcome to this week’s post! As an international student, the first thing that came to my mind regarding applications to masters programmes, was if there was any funding available to help me afford my studies. Luckily, KTH offers various scholarship opportunities for international students pursuing master’s studies. Scholarships are awarded to individuals who … Continue reading “Landing a KTH Scholarship”

A Short History of KTH Campus and a Glimpse into Campus Today

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a great week, I know I did, as I celebrated the end of my examination period (my last exam ever in my master’s career!!!!) In this post I’ll introduce you to the beautiful campus we call home here at KTH. When you step onto the KTH Campus, … Continue reading “A Short History of KTH Campus and a Glimpse into Campus Today”

My Application Timeline: Insights from Sai’s Journey

Is the thought of applying to your dream master’s programme at KTH making you feel anxious or lost? You’re not alone—those same feelings once overwhelmed me too. The application process can be daunting for prospective students, leaving you wondering if you’ve already fallen behind or if you’re in need of a reliable roadmap. If any … Continue reading “My Application Timeline: Insights from Sai’s Journey”

3 Tips For a Successful Application

Hej everyone! Welcome to this new post. The journey to becoming a KTH student begins with your application, and making it shine can be a game-changer. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through my application tips that will help you stand out from the crowd and and get you one step closer to securing … Continue reading “3 Tips For a Successful Application”

Why I chose Sweden: A Canadian perspective

Deciding to study abroad is a significant milestone in one’s life. As a proud Canadian who values access to nature, the excitement of city life, and a deep passion for ice hockey, Sweden emerged as the perfect choice for me. Growing up in Canada, Sweden’s influence was all around me, from the appliances I used … Continue reading “Why I chose Sweden: A Canadian perspective”

Dive into Innovation: Exploring the Research Labs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Hey everyone! I hope you’re in the mood for some research today! KTH’s diverse research labs consistently push the boundaries of knowledge. One of the highlights of Nobel Week each year is when KTH opens the doors for tours of its laboratories. Let’s look into some of these ground-breaking facilities in this blog post. 1. … Continue reading “Dive into Innovation: Exploring the Research Labs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology”