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Sunday in the Stockholm Archipelago

Hello SPRING! This past Sunday marked the first day of spring, and right on cue, we were treated to one of the warmest and most sunny days of the year so far. To enjoy it, I met up with some friends for an afternoon in the Stockholm archipelago.  We agreed on a meeting point near … Continue reading “Sunday in the Stockholm Archipelago”

As international students, international affairs are personal

In just three weeks, a lot has changed. The Russian army has invaded Ukraine. Governments, businesses, and citizens worldwide have condemned it. A new war is causing senseless human suffering, and the world suddenly feels on edge.  As an international student at KTH, I have friends and classmates from all over the world, including places … Continue reading “As international students, international affairs are personal”

THS – Student Union at KTH

As an international student, you can be sure THS, the student union here at KTH, will have a big impact on your social life. So what is this group is and what do they do?  Well, of the many things I’ve been involved with in the past year in KTH, THS has been hosting, helping … Continue readingTHS – Student Union at KTH

My study life at KTH 

I often tell you about leisure activities and fun things to do in Stockholm in my blog, but I haven’t shared much about my studies yet. Time to fix that and tell you more about my study experience at KTH.  My programme is called Media Management. It focuses on developing and marketing media products and … Continue reading “My study life at KTH “

Queer & Here: Student Q&A

Sweden is known for being gay-friendly. Historically, it’s been an early adopter of laws and regulations to protect and enable the rights and opportunities of LGBTQI people, and it continues to work towards greater equality today. KTH shares this mission – one of its core pillars is equality, which encompasses gender equality and diversity. Things … Continue reading “Queer & Here: Student Q&A”

Our Global Footprint: International students at KTH

The emphasis that KTH places on internationalisation is apparent in many ways. As one of the university’s four pillars (along with sustainability, equality, and digitalisation), internationalisation is part of the university’s vision, development plan, and operations.  But what does “internationalisation” really mean?  By definition, it’s “the increasing importance of international trade, relations, treaties, alliances, etc.”. … Continue reading “Our Global Footprint: International students at KTH”