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Where to live in Stockholm?

Looking for accommodation in Stockholm? It can be difficult to know where to look, especially if you haven’t visited the city before. Although it’s impossible to sum up a city in a single post, I’m going to try give a little overview of the areas where international students usually live. This might help you to … Continue reading “Where to live in Stockholm?”

Being at KTH during uncertain times

The last months have been challenging for many people, and I was no exception. Since the end of February, my life has drastically changed, and I took some time off blogging to process these changes.  Now I’m back, and in this blog post, I’d like to share my experience of being Russian during these times … Continue reading “Being at KTH during uncertain times”

Preparing for your career after KTH

Whether you’re graduating in June or beginning your studies this August, it’s never too soon to prepare for your career. Although 40% of KTH students have a job before graduation, many students use the months after graduating to apply for jobs. As a KTH student, there are many resources to use and actions you can … Continue reading “Preparing for your career after KTH”

Apps that make student life simpler

In Sweden, digitalisation is seen as a key way to increase efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of society. KTH is a big believer in this mission, which is why digitization is actually one of its pillars. Throughout my time as a student, the number of apps in the “Sverige” folder on my phone has … Continue reading “Apps that make student life simpler”

Why I’m learning Swedish (and how you can too)

So, you’re moving to Sweden! How much have you thought about… Swedish? As you know, all master’s programmes at KTH are taught in English, and there’s a generally high level of English spoken by Swedes, young and old. In your day-to-day life in Stockholm, you can manage quite easily without knowing Swedish.  So, why learn … Continue reading “Why I’m learning Swedish (and how you can too)”

Stockholm & KTH – by the numbers

When you’re preparing to move to a new city across the world, there are more than a few details to get sorted. You have to consider travel logistics, cost of living, banking, accommodation, insurance and (for some of us internationals) residence permits too. These are important topics, which is why we write about them here on … Continue reading “Stockholm & KTH – by the numbers”