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Are you Ready to Apply to KTH?

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! This will be the first of a series of posts focusing on how to apply to KTH. The admission period is just about to open and we would like to guide you through the process step-by-step during the upcoming weeks! This is just a brief introduction to … Continue reading “Are you Ready to Apply to KTH?”

Application documents: do you have everything you need?

Hey there! I would like to start this post by congratulating with you. If you’re reading this, chances are you have taken the leap and submitted your application to KTH – this is already a great achievement, so congrats! The next important step is to upload all the documentation supporting your application before February 1, … Continue reading “Application documents: do you have everything you need?”

Apply to KTH: FAQ – part two

In today’s post, I will answer some more common questions regarding the application to KTH. We have already talked about how to apply to KTH, and you can also find the first part of these FAQs in this previous blog post. As January 16 is getting really close, let’s start with this second part! Which … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: FAQ – part two”

Apply to KTH: FAQ

In today’s post, I will answer some of the most common questions about how to apply to KTH. If you haven’t done it yet, I would suggest you to check Martyna’s post on how to apply to KTH and Raygo’s post on why study at KTH – I’m sure you’ll find the answer to many … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: FAQ”