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FAQs: Your Essential Guide to Starting at KTH

Hej buddies, Sai here! Are you excited about your journey to KTH? I know that preparing for university life, especially in a new country, can bring a lot of questions. I’ve recently connected with many of you as a part of the “Connect with a KTH student” project, and the queries asked during the sessions … Continue reading “FAQs: Your Essential Guide to Starting at KTH”

New country, new normals & plenty to learn

While many of you are (or are soon to be) in the arrival process to Sweden, I’ve recently arrived in the US for a brief visit home. ‘Home’ for me is a small town of about 10,000 people on the west coast of Michigan. Since arriving, I’ve admittedly experienced a bit of reverse culture shock. … Continue reading “New country, new normals & plenty to learn”