The pursuit of museums

If you have seen the movie “The pursuit of Happyness”, I was also chasing some of the museums in Stockholm. It is a lot of fun to visit museums with your friends and question everything, right? National Museum My architecture studio tutors advised us to see the National Museum and think of ways art pieces … Continue reading “The pursuit of museums”

My first week in Stockholm

Today marks exactly two months and a half since I’ve moved to Stockholm. So, I thought of sharing my first week in the Venice of the North with you – let’s see if reality met expectations! My first week in Stockholm was jam-packed, stressful and hectic – but it was also fun, surprising and unbelievably … Continue reading “My first week in Stockholm”

Happy Friday and weekend plans!

TGIF and finally, it is Friday and the weekend again! Today I would like to share how I usually spend my weekends here in Stockholm. I hope this blog post will give you some insight into your weekend plans! What would be the best Friday activity, in my opinion? It must be hanging out with … Continue reading “Happy Friday and weekend plans!”

Golden Hours – Photography in Stockholm

Stockholm is a beautiful city. I have been lucky enough to live here for the last two years and lucky enough to meet lots of creative people that can capture the city beautifully. Here I’ve gathered some of the photos my photographer friends Róisin, Mayela and Chirag have taken in the past year. These are … Continue reading “Golden Hours – Photography in Stockholm”

Five things I would advise myself when I just got admitted 

Sometimes we all think time travel would be pretty cool. Although it’s not possible yet (I’m going to follow the KTH’s latest inventions, and who knows…), there are some things I wish I knew when I started my studies last year. So in this post, I’m going to share with you some tips I would … Continue reading “Five things I would advise myself when I just got admitted “

Celebrating Summer in the Archipelago 

Summertime has come at last! The contrast between summer and winter in Sweden always surprises me. From weeks of snow and ice to weeks of sun and heat. There’s no better way to celebrate this weather, and to celebrate the ending of your final year of university, than getting together some friends and taking a … Continue readingCelebrating Summer in the Archipelago