Back to school – The spring semester begins

Hej everyone! As the new semester has just begun, it would be great to summarize the first week with you as a glimpse of what to expect during the spring semester. Daylight hours The first and foremost noticeable change about the Spring semester is we are getting more daytime here in Stockholm. Since the winter … Continue reading “Back to school – The spring semester begins”

Application documents: do you have everything you need?

Hey there! I would like to start this post by congratulating with you. If you’re reading this, chances are you have taken the leap and submitted your application to KTH – this is already a great achievement, so congrats! The next important step is to upload all the documentation supporting your application before February 1, … Continue reading “Application documents: do you have everything you need?”

Perks of education at KTH

Hello everyone, and happy New Year! In today’s post, I want to share with you my four favourite aspects of studying at KTH. I will only focus on education, but don’t forget that studying at KTH also means studying in Sweden – and I’d recommend you to read Martyna’s post on the topic to get … Continue reading “Perks of education at KTH”

Apply to KTH: FAQ – part two

In today’s post, I will answer some more common questions regarding the application to KTH. We have already talked about how to apply to KTH, and you can also find the first part of these FAQs in this previous blog post. As January 16 is getting really close, let’s start with this second part! Which … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: FAQ – part two”

Sweden: when magic is just around the corner

During Winter, the Swedish nature completely turns into a Winter Wonderland. We have already talked about the Swedish Winter in this previous post, and today I thought I’d give you a demonstration of how beautiful things can turn out to be during these months. So, let’s head to Tranholmen! Tranholmen is a small island North … Continue reading “Sweden: when magic is just around the corner”

The first snow is here!

As you may have noticed if you follow the KTH Instagram page, it has been snowing a lot in the last few days in Stockholm! A couple of hours of intense snowing covered the city with over ten centimetres of snow, turning the scenery into a true winter wonderland. This was the “street” (can we … Continue reading “The first snow is here!”