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Fika: the True Swedish Experience!

Hello everyone and welcome to today’s post! Today, I want to introduce you to a pillar of the Swedish culture: fika, the Swedish coffee break. Actually, “fika” is a Swedish concept that represents much more than just a coffee break; it embodies a cultural moment of relaxation, socializing, and enjoying a break with friends, family, … Continue reading “Fika: the True Swedish Experience!”

An Indian Student’s Perspective of the Swedish Winter

As a student hailing from the vibrant warmth of India, my first encounter with the Swedish winter was like stepping into a mesmerizing, yet challenging, wonderland. The Swedish winter is a tale of two worlds: the beauty that lies in its ethereal landscapes and the adjustments one needs to make to thrive in its chilly … Continue reading “An Indian Student’s Perspective of the Swedish Winter”

THS Armada is here!

Hej everyone! Welcome to this post. In the bustling academic landscape of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, a pivotal event has been shaping the destinies of students and employers for quite some time—the THS Armada. What started as a humble gathering in 1981 has blossomed into the largest student-driven project at KTH, culminating in the … Continue reading “THS Armada is here!”

The Endless Possibilities of the Swedish Winter

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! November is coming to an end and, well, Winter is coming! Today, I would like to introduce you to the Swedish Winter and what it means to be an international student at KTH during this time of the year. Winter is Often Misunderstood To me, Swedish Winter … Continue reading “The Endless Possibilities of the Swedish Winter”

TEDxKTH Event about Artificial Intelligence

Hello everyone! I was lucky enough to attend the recent TEDxKTH Salon event that took place in the KTH Library. There was a lot of ideas shared and inspiring talks on AI’s Role in Art, Creativity, and Architecture. The event’s schedule was a blend of insightful talks, immersive experiences, and interactive sessions, inviting attendees to … Continue reading “TEDxKTH Event about Artificial Intelligence”

Cracking the KTH Application

Hej everyone! Welcome to this weeks post 🙂 Getting accepted into your dream academic program or landing your desired job often hinges on the strength of your application. Two key components of any application that carry significant weight are the letter of motivation and reference letters. In this blog post, I will guide you through … Continue reading “Cracking the KTH Application”