Among the flowers of Midsommar!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, I want to talk to you about Midsommar, one of Sweden’s most beloved celebrations! So, picture this: it’s summertime in Sweden, the days are long, the sun is shining and the air is warm. What best time to celebrate the beauty of Summer after a long … Continue reading “Among the flowers of Midsommar!”

Arriving in Sweden? Essentials before landing!

Hey! It’s Martyna here, and I would like to share some tips on essential things you should get before coming to Sweden! It’s so soon until you print your boarding passes, jump on a plane and arrive in Sweden! Accommodation When I moved into my SSSB apartment in Lappis, the room was unfurnished. I remember … Continue reading “Arriving in Sweden? Essentials before landing!”

The feeling of spring: cherry blossom in Stockholm

Hej! It is Raygo here today, and as the last snow of winter in Stockholm ended in the previous month, we have approached May, and finally, we get to feel the vibes of spring! Recently, the city has been coated with a pink spray, attracting loads of our visitors: the cherry blossom! Today, I will … Continue reading “The feeling of spring: cherry blossom in Stockholm”

How to find accommodation in Stockholm

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, we are going to talk about how to find accommodation in Stockholm as a non-fee-paying international student. As explained in Martyna’s post on moving to Stockholm as an EU student, KTH does not grant accommodation to non-fee-paying students, unless they are part of a Joint Master’s … Continue reading “How to find accommodation in Stockholm”

Highlights of my day – Raygo

Hi guys, it is Raygo with you again today! After Lorenzo and Martyna shared their highlights of the day and the week in their previous posts, now it is my turn to talk about mine! I started the day with an ice-skating session with my friends in the morning. After breakfast at my accommodation, I … Continue reading “Highlights of my day – Raygo”

The mesmerising beauty of Stockholm’s skies

Hello everybody and welcome to this new blog post! In today’s post, I’m going to show you how beautiful the Swedish sky can be, especially during Winter. Everyday I get more amazed by what this country has to offer, especially when it comes to incredible sceneries – come with me and discover what the Swedish … Continue reading “The mesmerising beauty of Stockholm’s skies”