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My mental health care routine

As societies keep on facing new challenges, more people worldwide rethink their ways of approaching mental health. While some countries still tend to stigmatize mental health issues, Sweden is an excellent example of effectively tackling them with awareness, effective instruments and continuous support for everybody, including international students.  I firmly believe that mental health is … Continue reading “My mental health care routine”

Five things Swedes do

I’ve loved studying a 2-year master’s programme because I’ve had a lot of time to observe Swedish daily life. If there’s one thing I understand, it’s that there are many norms and unspoken rules in Swedish culture. Nonconformity can be a signal that you aren’t a local — which is totally fine, you don’t need … Continue reading “Five things Swedes do”


Students from around Stockholm and beyond came together last weekend for Northern Europe’s largest annual student event – Squvalp!  Squvalp is a weekend-long rafting event organised by the Quarnevalen team. Every year they put together huge events for students. Some years this takes the form of a carnival through the city, but this year the … Continue reading “Squvalp! “

Post for the ones who didn’t get the SI scholarship

Last week, the Swedish Institute published the successful recipients of the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals. First of all, congrats to all the winners, particularly those who will start their journey at KTH later this year! Your Swedish adventure is about to begin, and this is truly very exciting.  However, I’d like to address … Continue reading “Post for the ones who didn’t get the SI scholarship”

Where to live in Stockholm?

Looking for accommodation in Stockholm? It can be difficult to know where to look, especially if you haven’t visited the city before. Although it’s impossible to sum up a city in a single post, I’m going to try give a little overview of the areas where international students usually live. This might help you to … Continue reading “Where to live in Stockholm?”

Perks of being a THS member: Rent the sauna at Nymble

Over the weekend, many students were busy celebrating the spring holiday Valborg in university cities across Sweden.  With work on my degree project getting more intense, I needed a more lowkey Friday night to relax and recharge. So, some friends and I rented out the beautiful sauna located in Nymble, the KTH student union building.  … Continue reading “Perks of being a THS member: Rent the sauna at Nymble”