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New country, new normals & plenty to learn

While many of you are (or are soon to be) in the arrival process to Sweden, I’ve recently arrived in the US for a brief visit home. ‘Home’ for me is a small town of about 10,000 people on the west coast of Michigan. Since arriving, I’ve admittedly experienced a bit of reverse culture shock. … Continue reading “New country, new normals & plenty to learn”

An open letter to incoming international students (from a recent KTH graduate)

With August right around the corner, the new school year and all you incoming students have been on my mind. I remember how intense this period of time was for me two years ago. Like many of you now, I was packing my life into suitcases, saying some tough goodbyes, and beginning to make my … Continue reading “An open letter to incoming international students (from a recent KTH graduate)”

Three cities of my summer

Usually summer in Sweden is very chilled, as most people prefer taking long vacations starting from Midsommar celebrations and later on. However, my summer will be quite busy. It will take place in three main locations, three cities that I absolutely love. So in this post, I’m going to share with you my summer plans … Continue reading “Three cities of my summer”

Lessons from a tour guide (How hosting my family made me appreciate Stockholm)

In June, my family came to visit Stockholm for the first time. Since they weren’t here for long, I tried to be intentional about where and how we spent our time together. I enjoyed playing tour guide, and it made me realise all the ways in which I’ve gotten to know the city. My family’s … Continue reading “Lessons from a tour guide (How hosting my family made me appreciate Stockholm)”

A Getaway in the City Centre

Skeppsholmen is a small island in the centre of Stockholm that feels far from the busy city life. Instead, when you cross the bridge to Skeppsholmen you’ll find beautiful parks, boat yards, museums and art galleries. Not only does this island have some of the best galleries in the city, it also has the best … Continue reading “A Getaway in the City Centre”

Midsommar Celebrations

Last weekend celebrations took place all over Sweden for the annual Midsommar festival. It’s my favourite time of the year. The sun shines all day and night and the whole country feels relaxed and free as everyone takes the weekend off to enjoy the solstice.  The tradition is to go out into the countryside and … Continue reading “Midsommar Celebrations”