New at KTH? Here’s What Will Happen Next!

Hello everybody and welcome! If you are reading this post, chances are you have been admitted to KTH for your Master’s studies: so let me congratulate with you! You made it, and you took the first step towards your Swedish adventure: we will be happy to welcome you to KTH in August! This post will … Continue reading “New at KTH? Here’s What Will Happen Next!”

Stockholm is frozen!

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! Today, I wanted to share with you some pictures of Stockholm in these days. It has been pretty cold lately, and the city looked enchanted below a layer of snow and ice! This winter has been the coldest of the last 25 years in Sweden, even leading to … Continue reading “Stockholm is frozen!”

The Application Period is Over – What’s Next?

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! Monday was the last day to submit your application to KTH – and I would like to congratulate with all of you who sent the application to KTH. Congrats, and good luck! Today, we will discuss what’s going to happen in the next couple of weeks, so stay … Continue reading “The Application Period is Over – What’s Next?”

What I Spend in a Month as a KTH Student

Hej everyone! Welcome to this post. Being a student at KTH is an exciting and challenging experience. However, the vibrant city of Stockholm can be a bit pricey depending on what you are used to. As a KTH student, I’ve learned to navigate my monthly budget carefully, balancing academics, social life, and the cost of … Continue reading “What I Spend in a Month as a KTH Student”

KTH Application FAQ: 2024 Edition – part 2

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! Today, we are going to continue our FAQ on KTH application series! If you still haven’t read the first part I highly recommend you to do so! There is only one week left before the application closes, so let’s get started! What are the upcoming deadlines? You will … Continue reading “KTH Application FAQ: 2024 Edition – part 2”

Things I’m Looking Forward to in 2024

Hej everyone! Welcome to this weeks post 🙂 As we usher in the new year, 2024 promises to be a chapter filled with excitement, personal growth, and memorable experiences. Among the many things on the horizon, my anticipation is building for some key events that will undoubtedly make this year one to remember. As 2024 … Continue reading “Things I’m Looking Forward to in 2024”